Lovers and Madmen
Year: 2016
A book by Roy Stuart
The Times are changing, at a time where the Internet and video are taking over, Roy Stuart has, fortunately, decided to release his seventh book: “Lovers and Madmen”.
“Lovers and madmen have such seething brains
Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend
More than cool reason ever comprehends.”
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
In “Lovers and Madmen” it’s especially clear that the photographs are part of a larger story. With poems and texts, from e.g. Michel Houellebecq and Nelson Villamor, playing an important role. In “Lovers and Madmen” Roy Stuart creates an experience which is just a visual delight, but an all-inclusive trip through the world that has been created by the grandmaster of the erotic camera.
As in all his work, Roy Stuart avoids the cliches and he pays tribute to female in its purest form. Unshaven beautiful young women show their delight to the eye of the camera and are aware of their feminine power and the deeper layers where the psychological aspect between the two gender plays an important role.
“What a pleasure to perceive the obscure and animal parts of the female!”
– George Bataille
Roy Stuart is convinced that sex, photography and film should not be left to the porn industry. I am happy that there are artists like Roy Stuart that show that things can be different.
In the two years between “Glympstorys” and “Lovers and Madmen,” Roy Stuart has among other things been busy producing several DVDs from his Glimpse series. If you are not familiar with Glimpse, then this book will and the free DVD give a good idea of what to expect.
– Erographic
A special edition of the book is now on sale at